• This is the person who will handle day to day communication and support in trafficking projects.
  • Understanding Your Brand

    Simply put how does your company represent themselves with logos, brand assets, fonts, colors and so on. Learning about the brand and how you communicate it currently will help us shape the future communication.
  • List 2-3 products/ services you want to highlight and rank for.
  • Write out your organization’s story of origin in one sentence.
  • Values hold the behaviors and decisions of your brand accountable while also differentiating you from other organizations.
  • Successful brands have unique attributes that give them a distinct advantage.
  • Audience

    Describe the audience(s) most critical to the success of your brand. (It may be helpful to highlight demographics: age/stage/region, psychographics: hobbies/concerns/values, and worldview:faith/wordview/theology)