BRANDINGONBOARDING 1Company Info2Brand & Identity3Audience4Digital Footprint5Competitor Analysis6Other Company InformationCompany or Organization Name* Primary Point of Contact*This is the person who will handle day to day communication and support in trafficking projects. First Last Primary Point of Contact Email* Decision Maker*This person has the responsibility of making the final decision and holding others accountable (this is sometimes two people). First Last The decision making processHelp us understand how you would like the decision making process to go. We all can work more efficiently when roles are identified and we work together toward a common goal! Brand and IdentitySimply put how does your company represent themselves with logos, brand assets, fonts, colors and so on. Learning about the brand and how you communicate it currently will help us shape the future communication. Your organization was started because...*Write out your organization’s story of origin in one sentence.List out your organization’s current values*Values hold the behaviors and decisions of your brand accountable while also differentiating you from other organizations.What attributes and/or qualities differentiate your organization?*Successful brands have unique attributes that give them a distinct advantage.What are common words and phrases you use or don’t use in your communication?*Every brand has spoken and unspoken rules about how they communicate. AudienceDescribe the audience(s) most critical to the success of your brand. (It may be helpful to highlight demographics: age/stage/region, psychographics: hobbies/concerns/values, and worldview:faith/wordview/theology)Who is your primary audience?*Who is your secondary audience?Efforts to grow your audience*All companies and organizations develop intentional and accidental ways they grow their audience database. How are you currently reaching new people? Competitor AnalysisIn all industries and verticals we have competitors. In business it is more clear who your competition is. In non-profits we often struggling using that term. So in that case just look at is who else is working to gain the attention of the audience you have identified. Competitor 1* URL* Competitor 2* URL* Competitor 3* URL* Areas for growth?*Compared to your competitors what are they doing well that you would like to improve on? Digital FootprintDescribe the audience(s) most critical to the success of your brand. (It may be helpful to highlight demographics: age/stage/region, psychographics: hobbies/concerns/values, and worldview:faith/wordview/theology)Are you using social media?*Please tell us about how you are currently using any and all social channels to communicate to your audience?Are you using email marketing?*Please tell us about how you are currently using email marketing at any level to communicate to your audience?Your Social Accounts Email Marketing Program*Which of these do you use for email marketing?MailChimpConstant ContactSendInBlueGetResponseMyEmmaConvertKitDripAWeberKeapKlaviyoOtherNone of the AboveFrequency of Emails*If you use email marketing how often do you send emails?Do Not UseWeekly2 Times a MonthMonthlyQuarterlyYearlyWhen we rememeber!Paid Digital AdvertisingAre you currently doing any form of paid digital ads? If so please tell us about them! OtherMisc. InformationIs there anything else you would like us to know prior to our kickoff meeting?